Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cashew Burfi

With the essence of the festive season spreading in gradually here, we are having a phenomenal time with the joys of planning our Eid day and the hols starting from tomorrow. Suddenly the season seemed to have turned magical with the spirits of goodwill and optimism . I have broken myself free from the ho-hum days to jump start my preprations for all the excitement and life suddenly seems to have become incredibly busy, packed with tons of activities.

To enhance this festive mood, I planned to prepare something sweet,sinfully rich and indulgent to enjoy on a warm festival evening. Yes, there are lots of other great dishes that will be made and enjoyed, but now I will leave with this royal sweet that is sure to be crowd pleaser and very irresisitable.


100 gms Cashews
100 gms Sugar
1 tsp Rose water
A pinch of saffron
1/2 tin condensed milk


1) Grind the cashews to a coarse paste.

2) In a vessel, heat 3 cups water along with the sugar. Bring it to boil and stir till the sugar dissolves and becomes like a syrup.

3)  Add in the cashew paste, the condensed milk and continue to stir it until the mixture starts thickening. Allow it to cook till slightly thick. Dont over do it as the mixture will anyways thicken on its own while cooling.

4) At this stage, add the rose water and the saffron. Cook for 2-3 minutes and then switch off the stove.

5) Pour this in a greased tray and allow it to cool.

6) Cut shapes and decorate them as desired.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love cashew barfis and I love the new layout of ur blog. I have so much to catch up many new recipes!


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