Monday, September 5, 2011

The Return of the Blogger

So I am back ...... But had I gone? No ..... Never.... I was always here, but just took an unexpected and an indefinite break from the world of blogging.

Several petty reasons for my badly needed break. I think I deserved it since I was working against the clock. My routine activities had kept me busy and I hardly had any time left for my leisures. My 24 hour day looked short for me and I just could not gather myself to sit freely and think of anything other than my routine life. I would run out of steam often and I promised myself that soon after Eid I will be back to myself and concentrate on my blog. I did not try out new recipes either nor did I browse to learn something new.

Nothing significant to mention either. My days schedule was so organised and monotonous that little room was left to add extra tasks and I was always calling for an early night. I was very occupied then that I had no desire to blog...but for accountability purposes I always wanted to write down a few things I want to make sure I don't forget to blog about. Those things would jog my memory. But I did not execute anything. This time I dont blame myself. I just went through a poorly managed phase - a phase in which we are just pushed along with the flowing waters of life.

I was sure that I would be back soon, but did not know when. Sometimes I need some space outside my head because it makes it hard for me to breathe. That's why I am feeling more and more like writing lately. Not sure exactly about what -- but I feel the need to write.

Life under my roof is great. I had a good Eid holiday. A break I always wanted, a break I looked forward to. I hadn't planned anything for it. But I knew I would love it and by the time I would be back to square one, I would be fresh. I rested and rested. Waking up late in the mornings had always been on my mind. And I could do that. We also went to the sea with friends for a good three hours boat ride and Dolphin watching. It was a wonderful experience. I  browsed through a few shopping malls. Enjoyed the ambience and the tour. We also dined out with friends and took lots of pictures.

Around me things seem to be much more cool. My mind is fresh with my long 5 day holiday and I have already lined up enough plans for the coming days. Will surely pen them down as I work on them. Very soon you will find me blogging regularly giving you a play by play of my experiences. Will be back soon...... In fact very soon.

Some pictures from my Sea visit:

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